Student: "How much did they pay you?"

One of my students said to me yesterday, "How much did they pay you to be in the Davidoff advert?"

I had to ask who was Davidoff was. He explained it was the guy who's chest is on all the bus stop billboards. I then realised it was this image.

It was a genuine compliment from a man in a non-sexual way. More evidence that men accept me as a man. Things like this used to bounce off my shields, but I was able to say, "Thank you" to him and accept the compliment. Yes it's a compliment about my physical body, not my character, but a compliment nonetheless.

Other evidence from men who accept me as a man:

  • Doug M affirms my character as "awesome", give me hugs, and wants to hang out with me.
  • Peter A affirmed me as someone who helps connect him to other men, challenging him out of isolation. 
  • Scott C affirms my loyalty and says I'm one of his best friends.
  • Matt G gives me hugs consistently when he sees me, and affirms my physical appearance, and strength of character.
  • Peter H affirms my crazy commitment to honesty, truth, and openness.
  • Anthony B affirms my hairy masculine and muscular chest
  • The gay man at the beach followed me into the water hoping I'd talk to him, and then stalked me on Facebook because he thought I looked hot.
  • Adam R said knowing I was abused changes nothing about our friendship, and that he saw me as a strong man (strong in character). He also dropped off the Bakery Bunch to ride with me when I couldn't keep the pace.
  • Men come to things I invite them to because they like being with me: Dom L, Simon D.
  • Tim M invited me to his birthday weekend in Jindabyne with his 4 other close friends, so I was in his top 6 friends.


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