Self Affirmations

I try to say these to myself daily. 
My Golden Masculine memory was in Houston in Nov 2021 when I was working out in Scott's garage with my friend Jim. Scott drove up with an unexpected passenger. It was my friend Cam Stoll from Indiana and my JiM weekend of 2019!!! He’d flown from Chicago to come spend 2 days with me! I almost died. I wanted to give him a hug, and I said I would, but I was dropping with sweat! He said he didn't care. I gave him a big hug. Scott and Jim joined the hug too. I felt like the star of “This Is Your Life”! 
I felt SO VALUED, LOVED, and SPECIAL as a man and friend.

My name is AndrĂ©. I am 51 year old man, a devoted husband, and loving father of 2 wonderful, beautiful girls. 
I have beautiful, brown eyes.
I have strong, brown and grey hair.
I have a beautiful smile.
I have a rugged, shaggy beard, a hairy muscular chest, (and sometimes a 6-pack). 
I have smooth, soft, dark skin.
My body is a beautiful gift from God.
My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
My body has been given to me to care for so I can serve God.

All of my body belongs to me (eg. my chest is part of my body, it belongs to me).
I choose who touches me, and where and when.
All of me deserves care, respect, and love.
I am fully a man, and I’m fully masculine.
I deserve to exercise and be fit.
I am healthy, fit and strong. And I am stronger than I think I am.

I am tall. I carry myself with self-assurance.
I am good looking, I am attractive, I am handsome, and I am a stud.
My masculinity is more than just what I can see. 
My strength is in my character, not just my muscles. I am a survivor and a fighter. 
I strive to be connected to my body.
My body belongs to me and my wife. 
I strive to channel my body’s physical needs to healthy behaviours and attitudes.
My body is not anyone’s sexual object, including myself. 
My sexual activity is a choice. I choose to glorify God and reserve my sexual activity for my wife only. 
I choose to not re-enact my abuse in thought or actions.
My penis has two wonderful purposes: to urinate and to enjoy mutual pleasure with my wife.
I strive to live in Integrity with my values.

I am a lover. I choose to love and respect my wife, and live in ways that inspire her trust. 
I choose to see my wife as she is (& not my mother) be open and honest with her. 
I love and care for my family.
I am kind & considerate. 
I am welcoming. 
I am affectionate. 
I am strong in character.
I am intelligent, clever, and adaptable. 
I am confident, assertive, and competitive. 
I am an Alpha male, a leader and connector of men.  
I am helpful and resourceful.   
I help other men to restore their masculinity to God’s design.

Men want to be my friend. 
Men respect me. 
Men accept me and affirm me as a man.
I don’t have to be “perfect” to be acceptable. I am allowed to make mistakes. 
Men love me and value me just as I am now. 

I am a warrior and a saint.
All my sins are forgiven by Jesus’ death on the cross. 
I am clean in God’s sight. 
God loves me, He chose me. 
He delights in my masculinity. 
He adopted me into his royal family as a son. 
He created me as a man. 
I am just like other men.  
I measure up. 
I lack nothing. 
I am complete as a man. 
I am fully a man.
I am the complete package. 
As a man in my “king”, I embody my name, AndrĂ©, I am strong and manly. 
I am a real man.
I am the man God wants me to be. 
I can be a man and call on Jesus for help. 
He helps me remember these truths.


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