Outstanding Repairs

For me, I feel repair is still needed with:

  1. Feeling rejected by Sarah after discussing my joy of feeling a man after JiM 
    (We have discussed this and Sarah has asked if it made sense for her to feel hurt, which I agree, but I don't feel she has repaired with me).
  2. Rejecting hearing my whole story, particularly how the pedophile tricked me with a game.
  3. Rejecting my penis - after asking her to hold it and say, "This is our special thing" to overlay that phrase from my sexual abuser.
  4. Rejection from Sarah declining sex, not loving me when I wanted to make love.
  5. Not feeling pursued by Sarah. If we get back together, you must touch me more, and not just when we make love.
  6. Declining to read A Bigger World Yet (she has said it made sense for her not to read it because she was still feeling hurt, which I agree, but I don't feel she has repaired with me). She later (spitefully?) told me she had read the book, but we never discussed it, or what she gained from reading it.
  7. Feeling rejected after being kicked out of sleeping in the same bed with her. This came from choosing in counselling to share something I had hidden. I attempted to be open and honest about something I had done, but had repented and stopped doing. Sharing it resulted in disconnection for 3 months. At Christmas, we resumed sleeping in the same bed, but did not talk about it or repair.

Sarah needs me to repair with:
  1. Overly emotional connection with Chris.
  2. Physical affection with Chris (holding hands, hand up his shirt, laying on him), showing myself nude to him, send a picture of my butt.
  3. Flaccid dic pic to Scott
  4. Bulging shorts pics to stangers
  5. Nude sunbathing pic (no genitals)
  6. Hugging Justin's butt (touching in the bathing suit area)
  7. Watching a nude webcam
  8. Meeting with Keith in a private setting when it was avoidable.
  9. Nude video calls (for my healing, for others' healing)
  10. Naked holding in the gym shower with Doug


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