Disarming Shame and it's Paralyzing Power
In the Journey course this week, we read chapter 11 of Unwanted by Jay Stringer and were asked these questions: What are the core accusations of shame in your story? What does it continue to try and convince you of? A: Shame tries to convince me that I am incomplete as a man, a freak, a deviant, queer, weird, unlovable, unwanted, unvalued, stupid, weak. In what ways have you attempted to run from shame, and what has been the result? A: I tried to hide my masculinity, my nakedness, my penis. I tried to hide my masculinity, my nakedness, my penis. I tried to hide from people, avoid eye contact, avoid attractive men, avoid deep friendships, and avoid awkward conversations. In what ways has faith/spirituality been used to further shame in your life? Do those sources/voices still exist, and are they adversely impacting your faith today? How might you begin to separate your faith and understanding of God from those messages? A: Sermons preached do not resonate with my struggles, so I must b...